Tito’s Handmade Identity— A Behind the Scenes Reflection on The Art of Becoming

updated on 06 September 2024

There’s a profound lesson to be learned from the “Tito Way.” Tito knew his strengths and passions. He paired this self-awareness with a sound understanding of his financial limitations and market needs to create a successful venture. This approach offers a blueprint for success that I believe is vital for our younger generations to grasp and apply in their own lives.

Behind the Scenes - foundingAUSTIN w/ Tito Beveridge
Behind the Scenes - foundingAUSTIN w/ Tito Beveridge

As the founder of foundingAUSTIN, a magazine designed to tell the untold stories of our city’s most dynamic entrepreneurs, I had an idea in mind when I launched it. My mission was to share stories of entrepreneurs like myself, not just their success, but the very essence of their journey — the risks, the failures, the triumphs, the lessons. I aimed to inspire and guide the younger generation, emboldening them to design their life with intention.

One of the most profound narratives that have graced the pages of foundingAUSTIN is that of Tito Beveridge, founder of Tito’s Handmade Vodka. His story stands as a testament to my vision, showcasing the entrepreneur’s journey in its truest form.

I always imagined what it would be like to interview a pioneer like Tito Beveridge, the man behind the internationally celebrated brand, Tito’s Handmade Vodka.

When I finally got the chance to sit down with him, it was nothing short of mesmerizing. Tito, much like his vodka, was smooth, authentic, and radiated a kind of warmth that only comes from genuine passion for one’s craft. We chatted about his journey, his trials, and the sheer tenacity it took to get where he is today.

Tito Beveridge: Discovering Unlikely Passions

Tito’s journey to becoming a celebrated vodka brand owner began on a path he hadn’t initially intended to tread. His transformation illustrates that passion can manifest in the unlikeliest of places and at unexpected times. From being a geologist to becoming a mortgage broker who gifted his homemade infused vodkas to friends during Christmas, Tito’s journey was a textbook case of serendipity meeting persistence.

Out of that conversation, there were five key takeaways for our readers: 

  1. Follow your passion
  2. Take calculated risks
  3. Embrace trial and error
  4. Learn from failures
  5.  Be tenacious. 

But the conversation didn’t end there. There were countless gems that didn’t make it into the final interview, insights that I feel need to be shared. 


The Risk-Taking American Spirit

Tito dared to venture into an industry he had little experience in. He faced numerous rejections and battles with adversity, echoing the experience of many entrepreneurs. This aspect of Tito’s journey resonated with me deeply. Our society often tries to de-risk life for our youth, promoting a narrative that higher education is the secure path. Yet, risk-taking is an inherent part of the entrepreneurial spirit and, I believe, a quintessential American trait. After all, our nation was built on the exploration of new worlds.

Tito’s financial struggles during the early days of his venture gave me a unique insight into the financial literacy challenges many entrepreneurs face. He started his distillery with 19 credit cards, accumulating nearly $90,000 in debt. It was a risky move, but his belief in his product and determination to succeed allowed him to navigate the tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship. It brought to mind the importance of financial literacy and strategic planning in shaping one’s path, whether that’s starting a business or carving out a career.

This conversation led me to think about the broader societal narrative around education and career planning. As a society, we are still encouraging our young adults to find themselves in college, leading them into a maze of student debt and unfulfilled potential. Tito’s story underlines the importance of self-discovery before heavy investment in education. And that, too, involves financial literacy.

Determination, Hard Work, and Lifelong Learning

Tito’s resilience never wavered, even when told he couldn’t compete with big corporations. He tirelessly worked to perfect his vodka, demonstrating determination and hard work that I believe is paramount for young entrepreneurs to understand and embody.

Moreover, Tito was a lifelong learner. He didn’t know everything about his business when he started, but he wasn’t afraid to learn. This emphasis on continual learning and adaptation is a lesson that goes beyond just the business world, but life itself.

The present education paradigm is failing many of our youth, forcing them into molds they don’t fit into. Tito’s journey illustrates how the path to success can be unconventional yet fruitful. By placing a greater emphasis on self-discovery, financial literacy, and relevant skill acquisition, we can foster a generation of young adults ready to take on the world in their unique ways, much like Tito did.


The “Tito Way”


Introducing Minimum Education Requirement (MER)

In my work at an new start up — founding_up, we’re building a bridge between education and employment, promoting a system where skills are gained according to the needs of employers. Tito’s journey mirrors this ideal.

Just as the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) strategy has revolutionized start-ups, at founding_up, we aim to introduce the concept of Minimum Education Requirement (MER) to our youth and employers. This approach is about finding the essential education needed to kickstart a career, not overeducating oneself in areas that will remain unused.

Imagine the savings — in time, money, and effort — if we focused only on the specific education required for a particular career path. Take Apple’s CEO, for instance, who has stated that a four-year degree isn’t necessary to work for Apple, the largest company in the world. Instead, what they need is an 18-month coding certificate.

Imagine spending only 18 months of your life, both in terms of time and wallet share, to see if this is a career you want to pursue. This efficiency is not only beneficial for the individual but also for employers, who need skilled workers in their fast-paced, rapidly evolving industries.

Since it’s not a college’s job to determine what specific education employers require, we, at Founding_up, aim to bridge this gap. We seek out these MERs from employers and communicate them to our youth, setting them on a path of targeted, efficient learning.

Financial Literacy - Essential Skill 
Financial Literacy - Essential Skill 

Financial Literacy: An Essential Skill for The New Generation

In my years as a finance expert and the founder of Nest Financial, I’ve seen the power of financial literacy. Understanding finance is a vital tool in an entrepreneur’s arsenal. I see the importance of an education model centered around this MER concept. Additionally, we aim to open up dialogue about the financial questions you should be asking yourself as a young adult to make sure the path you take will end up being a financially aligned path so you aren’t wasting time and money putting your life on the wrong course.

A large part of founding_up’s mission is to facilitate this process. We aim to provide the youth with an understanding of what skills employers need, empowering them to acquire these skills through intentional education.

Blueprints for Life
Blueprints for Life

Blueprint of Success: A Shift in The Education Paradigm

Deciphering life’s blueprint is not an easy task. It’s filled with trials and tribulations, ups and downs, successes and failures. But as Tito Beveridge’s story illustrates, it’s a journey worth embarking upon. His approach to life and work can serve as a guidepost for those seeking their path. His story, in all its grit and glory, teaches us to be courageous, tenacious, and unwavering in the face of adversity. It’s a lesson that I am proud to share with our Founding Austin readers and beyond.

In the end, Tito Beveridge didn’t just create a successful vodka brand; he found a way to live his life true to his passion and interests. His story exemplifies that you can design your life with intention and achieve remarkable success, even when the odds are stacked against you. The key lies in understanding your strengths, your passions, and the financial implications of your choices.

Tito’s journey is a beacon of light that cut through the fog of uncertainty. It reminded me why I founded foundingAUSTIN. It solidified my commitment to sharing such inspiring stories that challenge the norm and inspire our readers to live life on their terms. The Tito Way is more than just a blueprint for business success; it’s a roadmap for living life with authenticity, passion, and financial savvy.


A Better Way Forward

The narratives we’ve been sharing with society, particularly the one pushing college as the main source of identity and success, are outdated. Debt and disillusionment are often the results of this trajectory. In creating founding_up, my goal is to empower the youth to find their identity before investing in college or a career. Education like every investment begins with setting an intention. One thing is for sure, a degree doesn’t equal identity, education is only one area of our identity. We need to learn to empower our youth on a journey of identity and self awareness. After all, we are not merely what we do for a living.

With Tito’s story and many others, I hope to challenge the traditional narrative and provide a blueprint for success that is rooted in real-world experiences, lifelong learning, and entrepreneurial spirit. And most importantly, I want to reinforce the message that the best time to discover and follow your passion is now.

As I share my life experiences and the lessons they’ve taught me, I am determined to challenge the prevailing narratives and promote a more holistic understanding of success. Every day on this planet is a chance to learn, grow, and make a positive difference. I hope my stories resonate with you and provide some insights or guidance on your own journey. Until next time, I send you peace✌🏽 and wish you a beautiful day.

Let’s connect on LinkedIn, Twitter.

And that’s a wrap on this installment of my story — a collage of experiences from a 23-year veteran of finance, 7-year media industry participant, and lifelong entrepreneur. It’s a combination of my own reflections, supported by a little hi-tech assistance from my trusty AI editor. Stay tuned for more insights, lessons, and tales from my journey. Until next time, this is Dan Dillard signing off.

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