Improve Completion and Retention Rates

founding_up offers scalable holistic advisors and digital mentors. Holistic advice has been found by studies to improve student completion rates between 10-20 %. We personify our mentors as a sidekick for your students.
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Benefits to your institution

Our digital mentors contain the power of commercial AI solutions but contain carefully curated content for your institution that drives custom responses to your students questions.


Enhances student recruitment efforts by providing a personalized and interactive platform that showcases the university experience. Whether it's before the application process, upon acceptance, or during their initial weeks, students consistently have access to a knowledgeable welcoming resource for their questions.


Improves retention by connecting students to wrap around services early. Academic reasons seldom lead to student non-completion; many students are compelled to abandon their studies due to external circumstances. Our tool guarantees an early link to crucial support services, thwarting and alleviating issues before they reach a critical stage.

Financial Aid

Assists students in the often complex and confusing process of applying for financial aid (government and non-government). Many students do not apply, or are forced to abandon their studies because they can not afford tuition. Our tool helps students to find and navigate the complex and confusing financial aid opportunities they have - making the process simpler and less intimidating.

Career Centers

Improves career outcomes for students by aligning their interests and qualifications with various job opportunities, irrespective of their academic performance. By utilizing AI models trained on historical student data, we assist students in discovering traditional as well as emerging career paths, whether directly related or tangential to their qualifications. This career guidance ensures that students feel supported as they transition into their careers and beyond.
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 My mind has been on overdrive after our meeting. I found everything you shared with me, not only admirable and fascinating but very aligned with my own way of thinking and a breath of fresh air… 

Jorge vanegas 1560877326 600x600

Dr. Jorge A. Vanegas

Dean Emeritus A&M University

Key Outcomes

We personify our digital advisor as a sidekick for your students available 24/7 to help and advise.


Our platform offers an unparalleled level of personalization. Your students can engage with a persona that resonates with them, at a time that suits their convenience, every day of the year, and in any language of their choice. All the students need to do is identify their specific challenges, and we take care of the rest, providing them with tailored solutions to their individual problems.

Student Relationship

Enhancing the career outcomes of your students results in improved graduation and employment rates, and student starting salaries. These positive outcomes, in turn, elevate your institution's reputation and rankings, collectively making the cost of tuition more justifiable and appealing to current and prospective students.

Career Outcomes

Enhancing the career outcomes of your students results in improved graduation and employment rates, and student starting salaries. These positive outcomes, in turn, elevate your institution's reputation and rankings, collectively making the cost of tuition more justifiable and appealing to current and prospective students.

Building a Legacy

The digital revolution has indelibly altered the landscape of education. The internet has already changed education forever - those who embraced remote learning early emerged as its true pioneers, actively shaping the future of education. Now, you stand at the threshold of a unique opportunity to redefine education for generations to come by harnessing the transformative capabilities of generative AI.