Is College a safe route?

updated on 06 September 2024

When Ty Holekamp, a freshman at Texas A&M, said, “The college route is definitely safer,” I found myself wanting to reply with, “Is it”?
I bit my tongue and listened.

Ty’s optimism about college contrasts with a broader trend among his generation. Recent reports highlight a significant drop in U.S. college enrollment. Many young people need more clarification about the value of a college degree, citing financial concerns, the rising cost of education, and the uncertain return on investment. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, U.S. college enrollment has been declining over the past decade, with the pandemic exacerbating the trend. The cost of college is a significant barrier, and many Gen Z students question whether the traditional college path is worth the financial burden. In 2022 alone, undergraduate enrollment dropped by over 4% compared to the previous year.

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

Now again, is it the safe road to take? 
It depends.

In the case of Ty, an aspiring engineer, he requires a degree.
Starting college is one of life’s great adventures, a journey filled with excitement and uncertainty. For Ty, this adventure began with a leap from the familiarity of a small town to the vast, bustling campus of a major university. His story is one many can identify with; it’s about strength in navigating through a transformative period.

Ty’s journey began long before he stepped onto the Texas A&M campus. His admiration for his father, an engineer, was a guiding star. “Ever since I was a kid, I have always been interested in engineering,” Ty recalls. Visiting his father’s workplace in middle school solidified his passion as he watched in awe and felt a deep connection to the engineering world. This deep-seated interest drove him forward despite the uncertainties surrounding higher education.

Coming from a town of just 2,000 people, Ty found the sheer size of Texas A&M overwhelming. “It was a very big change for me,” he admits. The first semester hit him hard. High school had yet to prepare him for the intensity of college coursework. “My high school was not very hard, so I never really had to put in much effort.” Yet, Ty faced these challenges head-on, determined to succeed. He developed new study habits and time management skills, transforming his approach to learning. By the second semester, he had found his footing, balancing his academic responsibilities and personal interests.

Support systems played a crucial role in Ty’s adjustment. While he prefers to study alone to avoid distractions, he values the encouragement from his peers. “I definitely have people around me that encourage me and have a similar mindset,” he notes, showing gratitude for those who share his journey. This network extends beyond friends to his family, who instilled in him the core values that guide his life.

In contrast, many of Ty’s peers face a different reality. They weigh the potential debt against uncertain job prospects, and some choose alternative routes, such as vocational training, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce directly. This shift reflects a broader change in how young people perceive education and its role in their future. Ty’s decision to pursue college, backed by strong family support and passion, sets him apart in this landscape of growing skepticism.

Photo by Teslariu Mihai on Unsplash
Photo by Teslariu Mihai on Unsplash

Ty had to embrace independence early. During his junior and senior years of high school, he lived with his father but managed most household responsibilities independently. This early experience of self-reliance made the transition to college life smoother. “I was cooking all my meals, doing all my laundry, cleaning. It was kind of like a jumpstart on the college experience,” he explains.

Ty’s journey isn’t just about academics and independence; it’s also about relationships and personal growth. Communication has been a critical area of development. He has learned the importance of open dialogue and trust in his relationship with his girlfriend. “We’ve had extensive conversations about communication and how we can both improve. Those have really helped a lot,” he shares, highlighting the importance of vulnerability and honesty in building solid connections.

Looking to the future, Ty is both cautious and optimistic. Financial security is essential to him, but he is also open to exploring different paths if his current trajectory doesn’t lead to fulfillment. The idea of starting a business intrigues him, yet he recognizes the risks involved and prefers the stability of a college degree. 
To this statement, I asked him how he handles failure: 
“I try to take failure as a positive thing. You fail something, you learn from it, and you get better”.
This mindset will undoubtedly serve him well as he continues to face new challenges in his academic and personal life.

In Ty Holekamp’s journey through his first year of college, we see more than just a student navigating the complexities of university life. We see a young man laying the foundations for a future filled with potential and purpose. His story reminds us that the heart of the journey lies in facing and overcoming challenges, growing through every experience, and holding onto the dreams that guide us. 

Yet, his journey also highlights the broader conversation around the value of higher education today as Gen Z continues to navigate a rapidly changing world.

Join us on our journey.

You can find Ty’s episode here:

The Power of Networking with Dan Graham Founder of Notley

In this episode of “Uncharted: Your Sidekick for Life,” Dan, Leon and Natalie are joined by Dan Graham, founder of Notley, a family office focused on philanthropic investments. Graham shares his journey from being a student in Austin to become a successful entrepreneur, explains why he dedicates himself to mentoring young minds and emerging businesses and offers his take on the power of networking.

This blog was written by Anais Schmidt, one of the hosts of the Uncharted Podcast. Anais is also an aspiring musician. When not in her studio, she tours Europe with Monte Mai.

Anais Schmidt
Anais Schmidt

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